
Showing posts from August, 2020

When the Bug came home

My earliest memory of the Volkswagen beetle goes back to the early 90's when I was about 5 - My uncle used to own a Gray Beetle. In hindsight I think it was a mid 60's specimen in Fontana Gray. During long weekends we'd visit him and we'd go picnicking in it. My enduring memory of that car is feeling warm and snug in the rear seat, looking out of the fixed rear window at the rain pelting around us, the smell of food in the small storage area behind the rear seat making me hungry while the engine whined away as the little car sped away on the twisty roads of Kandy.  With time those trips became rarer and rarer and eventually the Beetle-back seat memory was archived and stored in some remote corner of my brain... until years later.  My father is an automotive enthusiast like the rest of his brothers (may the ones who departed rest in peace) - after driving day to day Japanese Sedans for 25 years he eventually sold off his boring yet almost reliable Nissan which he had for